@bombaah you have been asked repeatedly to clarify your intent.
you would still be served by defining “bio-wax”.
…and I’ll repeat the part where you are asking folks who try to avoid picking up fats and waxes how to extract them.
OK, you can’t use chloroform. Why even mention it? You can’t use it, and we don’t use it…at least not for extracting cannabiniods, which is primarily why the rest of us are here.
look up the solubility of vegetable oil in various solvents, or read the paper you were linked (twice).
the data points WE care about are “which solvents pick up the LEAST wax”.
if you had defined WHICH plant you were planning to extract from, you could have avoided a lot of guessing: many of the responses you’ve gotten clearly assume you’re using “bio-wax” as a euphemism for cannabis extract.
give us context. you’ve mentioned “us students”. is that U.S. students? college? kindergarten? school project?
are you asking someone to do your assignment for you?
give us details. or we can’t help.
Edit: check out @Beaker’s work Wax in solvent solubility test