Now I’m curious! I wonder if just gypsum would work or if the silica is a necessary ingredient. I wonder if another adsorbent would work either (I see a future use for all that zeolite dust that seems to accumulate in our media drying ovens)
It’s traditionally “the other stuff” in TLC plates so who knows. Certainly cheaper to buy your analytical supplies at home depot than sigma
Calcium carbonate, gypsum and other such natural materials wer among the first ever used to perform chromatography!
this works for sodum hydroxide as well.
I have had traces of CBD show up pink even when doing sodium bicarbonate washes.
I think the colour change will work with all alkali bases.
If the weight samples (let’s say dried flower or distillate) were the same, can they show the CBD potency relative to another sample?
If you hit cbd oil and a spectrophotometer a simple calibration curve will help answer that question.
I think it just shows the relative concentration, I didn’t weigh the samples out
does anyone have a good source for HDPE squeeze bottles? The e-juice style ones, 60-100ml or so? I got a lot of interest in this stuff on instagram, I’d like to give some away but need to pack it properly
Interesting image. What about CBDa and THC D-9 ?
I’d have to go buy CBDa, I guess I could just decarb for the d9 though. I’ll try it with some of the d8 sample I have too
Is the hemp flower in your pic decarbed ?
Probably at least partially, it’s at least a year old. The thc flower wasn’t
You mean this one
Does the d8 show any color using the beam test? Or its the lack of color that you’re looking for with D8 like with D9
I’m not sure, I’ll test for that soon though, I need to make more of the reagent
speaking of which, does anyone know if denatured alcohol or isopropyl will work for the beam test? I’d like to make a few bottles to give away but I don’t want to spring for food grade alcohol if I can avoid it
Works for THC in general
Never tried denatured…not sure