Alabama Hemp?

Anyone know anything about the state of hemp in Alabama?

I just recently got contacted by an Alabama based company. It was the first I’d heard of it.

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Seems to be a brand new program:

Applications apparently opened less than 2 weeks ago.

Time will tell. I’m useless when it comes to anything related to cultivation. Is the climate any good for outdoor and/or greenhouse?

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Yup, it’s quite good for many genetics.

Overall @Cloner is the go-to resource for this region IMO


From what I read there is no current ban on smokeable hemp, but given the culture of alabama, I could see it happening. This is a state that once banned dildos. They are still happily arresting med pot patients from other states who make the mistake of bringing weed to alabama.


Alabama is the new oklahoma lets go boys this shit is gonna get fuckin weird


If that’s coming from you, I don’t want any part of it! But honestly, you’re absolutely correct. Shits going to get strange around them parts

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It is not banned, but taken on a case by case basis by district attorney’s. We don’t sell smokeable personally.

We’ve been growing two years now and going on the third year of processing. Medical is now legal and we are starting to work on regulations and should be growing thc filled plants in the late spring.

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License applications won’t be accepted before Sept 2022, though it’s great to see you guys building a program. I’ve been evaluating making a run there, but it’ll be extremely competitive.


Agreed. Having an indoor facility with a nursery and greenhouses would be nice, though we aren’t looking to grow moving forwards.

Nice, getting one of those 4 processing licenses or teaming up with a vertical applicant would be great. Good luck!


Thank you sir. There are a few processors up and running. Some sketchy folks, like everywhere. It all boils down to quality control, GMP and the nature of politics. I hope the first two is what it is based on.

Of course the inquiry i got was about making d8. Would you expect anything else lol?

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@MagisterChemist, we are behind and a little slow in the cabesa. I expect no less or no more.

The learning curve is steep and most of the people want an easy in. I haven’t found anything to be easy in this industry, though I am still early into this venture.