Air compressor

Item Model/Manufacturer: EMAX Industrial Plus Silent Air 7.5-HP 120-Gallon Two-Stage Air Compressor (460V 3-Phase)
Description: BRAND NEW
Price/MSRP: ASKING $2,300, ORIGINALLY $4,600
Current location of item: SACRAMENTO, CA
Direct from OWNER

It says silent air, does that mean it runs pretty quiet? I wonder how many decibels

Yes it has a silencer on the back. Im not sure how to measure how quiet it is

Supposed to run sub 70 decibels. A simple decibel meter could confirm. My shop compressor is about 10% higher than advertised, but under 80 decibels doesn’t bother me for the air it provides. Does it come with a dryer?

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Good to know! thank you
It has a moisture catch and pressure regulator