AGT-50 Fulvic Mineral Complex (Discount for Future4200 members!)

What feed rate for the chickens?




From the man…


Even the baby ducks love it. ( the chick thinks it’s a duck)


Somehow, that picture is a metaphor for me and my family!

Thank you to the person here that called my boss to say thank you for the product results and my customer service. I’m seriously flattered. We try to go the extra mile for all customers, but always for Future 4200 fam.


do i need it yet? its a bit chilly down here.


Wow, that looks awesome. Thanks for stopping by!

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Emperor’s Headband from @aridbud at Afterthought Autos. Day 90 from popping out of the soilless. Probably would have finished faster and bigger had I grown it in a larger pot, less crowded tent, and warmer temps. First 60 days barely broke 70f. Nice mix of mostly cloudy trics, some still clear, and just a few amber.

I only did the bare minimum defoliation, and almost no pruning of lowers. Just enough for airflow and picking off spent fans. I like to let a plant grow in its natural form when I’m checking a new strain out. Looks like I’ll have about two ozs to sample soon. :slight_smile:

And of course, this chronic was sippin on that tonic! :sunglasses:

Fun edit: I got post 888 :smiley:


Forgot to mention a huge bottleneck on that test run. I had the lights turned down to 225 watts at the wall for seedling and vacation mode, and forgot to turn em back up to flower level till I cut that plant at 91 days. So about 200 watts after driver loss, etc over nine feet; not bad for 22.22 watts/sq foot. Especially considering it’s an auto that lived its last month on a 12/12 schedule for the girls behind her.

Now I have each light running 111 watts at the wall, for a total of 333. That puts it right at 33.3 w/sf after a 10% loss, which has been just about right with these qb’s running close, about a foot from most of the canopy, 8-10 inches in some places.


@aridbud 's gear is good. I definitely recommend Azure Rocket. There’s a nice indica dominant pheno. The sativa dominant pheno has a haze-like structure, but wife says the palate and buzz is very good. His Presto has a super quick finishing pheno that is super frosty. Unfortunately not all of them had the autoflower trait. They were testers, so I’m not complaining!

@BigM I don’t think I sent you a poster. Shoot me your deets via DM.


It’s really simple and is used from rooting until harvest. 0.5ml/gallon constant feed or foliar with other IPM inputs. 1ml/gallon intermittent feed or as a standalone biostimulant foliar.

1L/acre 2x in a season as a drench to build soil or as a foliar to reduce temperature/salinity/osmotic/pH plant stress and increase yield.


I’m pretty happy with my stuff from Afterthought. The Quarantini auto is looking good, and I can’t wait to chop the gg4 x green gelato. Probably about a week away yet, but the tent smells so damn good I can barely wait.

Haven’t tried the Azure Rocket yet, but have a few packs of it. Sounds like a made a good choice. Thinking of hiding a couple in the flowers around the house. Sounds like they should be small enough to blend in.

I actually just got a poster a few days ago, and have been meaning to say thank you, so, thank you for the sweet poster and stickers! :slight_smile: I’ll make sure to post up some pics with them in it.

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Here is a 24" Presto in a 1/2 gallon pot from Afterthought with a couple weeks left on the JUUUUUICE. This was being run as a tester for early sun grown.


Agtonik pumping out these freakishly large eggs…(chicken)

Straight duck egg sized lol

Egg size, shell thickness and yoke color are all improving the longer we feed it to them…

Excited to see how the soon to be laying hens do, they have even fed it since they were chicks.


Wow I want some! Awesome job handling dem chickens @Pupparoo nice juice @AgTonik stuffs great!


I wonder if agt-50 can be used as a wenis (lol) enlargement product?


The eggs are no joke.
Duck and chicken eggs

Inside one of the meat birds.


Holy shit is your chickens butthole ok?

I find it amazing that these birds have an egg a day. Where tf they find that kind of time? That’s a period a day. Kind of.

My buddy just got some of that juice, cuz i fucking told him so…hes a believer now too


Gauge that pa up a notch, it makes grow-ers show-ers . Oooh weeee my hamsters are falling over with penile density. Jus sayin

I’m willing to make all kinds of claims, this shit is the goat.


What kind of ducks are you doing? That’s on the list for us too…


Comparison of the mega egg vs the others lol