Agitated instant crystals?

Weird result in my first ever diamond attempt.

I had a Pyrex dish out at 16c with some resin and Pentane in at at 1:3. Didn’t realize how readily the Pentane would evaporate, and obviously came back to mostly evapped Pentane and resin the next day.

Decided to top it up again and try in the freezer instead. So I took my extract, poured in some (probably 0c) Pentane. And threw it on a mixing plate with a stir bar.

Came back 10 min later and saw 3-4dozen crystals in little clusters thrown about the previously uncrystalled mix.

I’ve now got it in the freezer and more crystals are forming. Which is super sweet.

New technique? Anyone ever experienced this before?

Having my doubts if I’d ever be able to recreate the exact scenario again lol.


Did you ever try this again?