Agilent DryScroll Trade for Cmep

Item: Agilent DryScroll sh112 (BrandNew)

Price: Trade for CMep

DryScroll pump is brand new i really need a cmep I dont have need for dryscroll.

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Try bhogart san jose. They lost my agilent so this sounds perfect lol. 3 way tradesies



Maybe we can band together and make this happen. I called them yesterday like I do every few month trying to get to the bottom of where my 5000 dollar pump went. They said they would call me back… owner of the company’s name is Tom. He needs to make it right and get homie his cmep


Pumps can get lost. Best to remediate asap.

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Its been so long bro. They don’t get lost they get stolen.


They go into Bhogart but they never come out. Tom still the owner, shit im surprised he’s alive still


Good news bhogart just made it right with me. Bad news, I dont really need your agilent @TerpTeamOfficial


Still good stuff. A lot of Solutions underway this week.
I have two used CMEP-OL pumps. I’m not savvy on this topic but @TheGratefulPhil reviewed them and probably can give better insight. I’ll try and work something out if it’s what you need. Located in Tulsa


AWESOME!!! I hope they gave you your money back, or at least some credit to spend in the store…

I just need 1 quick so i can get back to work. Glad some issues were resolved with HoeGart congrats.

How the fuck do you “loose” a dry scroll

By being a super shitty company that still acts like it’s 2015.

BHOfart took 4 months to ship me a damn MVP-150–the promise was 2-5 business days when I purchased and they gave me $1000 store credit.

Fuckin crooks and bad business people.

It was Traded. Thanks Everyone.