The rosin I press is way to thick for a cart so how are you guys thinning it down
Did you decarb?
Did you read the thread you posted in?
(Because that was the second post)
Did you try the search tool?
(Because nobody has ever asked that question…right?!?)
Full decarb
If using a hotplate how long and and what temp is best?
I tried some rosin at 250* for 45 minutes until bubbles had stopped but once it cooled down it was still too thick for a cart without adding cbc.
Tried this with diamonds too which sat on the hotplate for and hour and once they cooled they recrystalized.
I’m no expert but 250 seems a bit high, and 45 min seems a bit low my friend.
THC is not known to crystallize.
SuggestIng you either did not have THCa to start with, or still have it after that hr on a hot plate.
Where did you source them?
Open to atmosphere so you drove all the terpenes off as well?!? That would likely be your viscosity issue…
No, I used a hot plate with small glass vials with lids. I used a temp gun to verify the temp of the oil and then began to log my time.
I kept the material on heat until there were no more bubbles and the oil was still. After stirring, it would create the tiniest of bubbles that would pop up from the bottom but quickly stopped when the stirring was over.
The first attempt at diamonds couldve been to low of a heat. I’ve read over numerous posts and watched multiple videos about the process and may need to try 300* for 2 hours next but 45-60 minutes for badder at 250* should be plenty of time from everything I’ve gathered.
The badder was sourced from Rush Hemp Farms and the Diamonds were from Preston Hemp Co.
My bad for taking so long to reply. My suspicion was confirmed, the owners were full of shit when they said there was no decarb on the rosin. They had no idea about the process their techs were using to make the rosin carts. SMH