Adding terps to shatter and whip

I’m going to remember this one.


Goes to show your ignorance.

I’ll step in here. Since OP stated he was a trap star he more than likely would be adding BDT. Why ruin what someone spent months growing then destroy the work of the extractor? If you’re trapping Badder, get Badder from your plug. Don’t deceive the end user with botanical terps and contaminated slabs.


I boof terps

Y’all are weak if you don’t boof pure myrcene

The slabs your plug’s plug, tells you aren’t CRC, are probably riddled with media’s and powders.

You hate CRC, yet want to mix terps into your boof slabs? I wouldn’t even boof your boof.



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Well since where assuming he’s that type of person can we assume he’s gonna do it anyway and point him towards some cdt to potentially save custies the harshness of a bdt dab? Btw ur shit is and has been :fire: that’s why I directed this towards u multipurpose post.


I have experience with some dispensarys that the stuff yes its Great :+1: clean and tastes like nothing or what I call CRC carboard or covid extract…(since you cant taste or smell much of anything lol)

May be a unpopular idea but, I have so basterstersized many a gram with Terps for something to taste. I admire the quality but, its got to have some flavor. Sometimes the terps taste like chemicals and I promptly throw those out.

By adding terps and whiping you are changing the consistency. Its a neat idea though how much are you using and is it to much? You could be adding too much but that would be personal preference.

I feel in some ways Terps can be useful. Like food one may want more salt, one may want to leave it as is. I would like to see Terps be more refined its very hit or miss sometimes.

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Well now @GummyChad… You’ll be pleased to know that I am in fact quite strong then. Been steadily micro dosing terps by way of the ‘boof’ method for years now. Much like snake handlers do with rattlesnake venom… I think.


Idk man. I was a high end surge protector… if we’re talking about plugs; And granted the B(arn)HO days are over… … but even when weight was around 15-1700 ??per… there were a lot of brokers who wanted something other than a limonene cardboard flavor… but didn’t wanna pay the tickets for CDT. Hard to picture them forking over the dough for true cannabis terps now when boxes are under a stack


I have a rival it appears…

I have seen half pounds for $1000-1300 of absolute dog shit quality badder. Usually dark net product or bottom of the barrel SoCal products that were pushed to DNM vendors or bum fuck midwest town plugs.

Only if your new hustle is flow meters and nitrogen generators…


@KingTerps nah change ya name man, there can only be one regal terp monarch.

@Betroit rainbow mimosa mixed in some not so terpy sugar turned it so good for real.

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What don’t I know again? … I know ur a bitter old man on a online forum who has no personal life.

Maybe get a friend and don’t spend 24 hours a day here

I mean boofing…

I can boof anything.

Ahh. well done Sir Gumsalot. I honestly did not see that one coming.

but 'tis true. your boofing abilities far surpass your… idk. where I’m going with that.

–Hey Everyone! this. dude. boofs. hard.



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But have you ever booked an ounce of weed and went through a strip search?
Just sayin

Chad and B

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