Adding Delta-9 Distillate into products and trying to get it to test compliant

We know that people are adding it into edibles and can increase the size of the edible so even with more THC in the product still tests as compliant. But why couldn’t I add this to a pre-roll or flower or cart? Is there a way to mix in some D9 distillate into these other products and get them to test compliant?

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.3% of a 3g cart could be thc… so in an entire 3g cart that would take at least 2 days to vape your consumer could have .9g of thc.

I suppose for some people that might work, but I doubt anyone would want it when they can buy other ‘legal’ products that contain 40-90% thc from one unscrupulous source or another.

… you mean 0.009g thc, right?


Unfortunately it would never produce enough of an effect to even be felt, and you could only maybe fit like 2mg max in a 1g cart. Not worth it in anything but edibles. Also if you are looking into products dont fall into the misconception that d9 drinks are easy to fit a bunch of mg in because of the water weight. If a HD d9 drink is tested properly it is gonna be extremely hot, unless the drink has some Southern Sweet Tea levels of sugar in it

Flower? Do you understand 0.3% THC?!?

much of the hemp flower out there already tests over that limit, closer to 1% than 0.3%, because it tested compliant 4 weeks before it was harvested.

How are you going to add more thc to that and remain compliant, when it is already non-compliant?!?

As for the cart, you could always take the approach the feds traditionally have when weighing marijuana, include the weight of the cart & battery when calculating your 0.3% by dry weight…claim your following legal precedent


math is hard

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Sure. Math is hard.

@ImLivingOnMars: assuming you do in fact live on mars…

You’re looking at 0.3% by weight.
1% is one out of 100.
0.3% is 3 out of 1000.

Or 333 to one.

If you need to deliver 100mg dose, you need to provide 333 x 100mg == 33300mg == 33.3grams to your user.

That’s more than an ounce (~28g)

Sure you can eat a 1oz gummy to get high
Can you smoke an oz of flower?
Vape 33 carts to get a buzz?!?

On the same page now?

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Do a preroll and make your filter out of tungsten problem solved


Pretty sure that’s how our pre rolls ARE being tested (filter weight included)…which doesn’t do our potency numbers any favors.

It’s possible that was a one time event, I try to ignore those SKU.

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