activated carbon puck

Does anyone know if there is an activated carbon product on the market that is a solid disk or puck that one could pour mother liquor through rather than loose activated carbon? I have a drain droid with a 2’ diameter surface area I use along with filter paper to winterize, and I would like to use it for carbon scrubbing, but I don’t like using loose carbon because of all the mess. Is there anything out there that is self-contained or a porous solid? Thanks

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Great idea. I suggest looking at what the vodka producers are using.

Or trying one of these

Edit: and I expect reports back on efficacy :wink:


theres some lenticular depth cartridges using contained carbons. I have’nt used any of these, but they are marketed to biotech and food/bev industries and easy to find, but certainly not cheap. Ertel makes one thats 7X the price of standard materials they use for fines removal/clarification and such.


they sell carbon in pellet form and in fact on summer research he recommended adding a little bit of the granular carbon in with the powder for best results. it also stated that too much carbon will hurt your yield so i’d be careful when testing it before you give up a good chunk of your thc to the carbon.




You should check the following white paper :


I dont lose yield from usin up to 40% carbon as long as you rinse well, but i lose so many of the terpenes.

Heyes Filters can offer these carbon products from fltrx modules and sheets .

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Yes there is. Heyes Filters Inc. Sells a carbon module that fits inside an enclosed housing that completely addresses color and odor remediation.
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