"Abnormal CBD" and newly discovered cannabinoid receptors

There is a regioisomer (same functional groups but different arrangement) of CBD called “abnormal CBD.” Its a goofy choice of nomenclature but anyways, it is only obtained synthetically and has never existed as a natural product. In biological systems, it binds to G protein-coupled receptor 55 GRP55 which is believed be a new cannabinoid receptor along with GPR119 and GPR18. [1] [2]

Abnormal CBD

As you can see, the cylclohexene moiety is bound to the resorcinol in the at the carbon between the alkyl and hydroxyl substituents.

Whereas with CBD, the cyclohexene is bound to the carbon between the two hydroxyl’s and the alkyl chain of the resorcinol moiety is located para relative to the cylcohexene’s position.


I’m excited about the discovery of these novel cannabinoid receptors and the physiological implications of these receptors. I wonder if some of the minors have high binding affinities to these receptors and what other ligands play a role in activating these receptors.

1. McHugh D, Hu SS, Rimmerman N, et al. N-arachidonoyl glycine, an abundant endogenous lipid, potently drives directed cellular migration through GPR18, the putative abnormal cannabidiol receptor. BMC Neurosci . 2010;11:44. Published 2010 Mar 26. doi:10.1186/1471-2202-11-44

*2. Brown AJ. Novel cannabinoid receptors. Br J Pharmacol . 2007;152(5):567–575. doi:10.1038/sj.bjp.0707481


Will it get me fucked up tho

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No, but it has therapeutic potential for a wide-range of inflammatory conditions.

So if your body is riddled with inflammation, it can bring relief. Which can be just as satisfying as getting wrecked.


I would argue that therapeutic relief provides far greater satisfaction. Thanks for the share. Super interesting.