A working list of byproducts formed during acid catalyzed CBD conversions

The muriatic acid method produced the greatest number of
impurities in the sample. Specifically, this method produced both
11-hydroxy-THC and 11,500-dihydroxy-D9-THC, which were not
found in the other methods. This is interesting because this is the
procedure that could occur in the human body. The isomerization
of CBD using 0.05% HCl may occur in the human body generating
these unknown cannabinoids, which warrants further research to
be conducted on these isomers for toxicity and pharmacokinetics.
This study allows researchers to begin isolating these impurities to
study toxicity on the human body.

Looks like muriatic acid is a good starting point for the garbage challenge, pair it with hardware store heptane/toluene and some crude and we’ve got a good start