A&V Waterjet CNC Cutting Table

Item Model/Manufacturer: A&V Waterjet CNC Cutting Table
Description: https://avwaterjet.com/av-1006ba/
Price/MSRP: $55k OBO
Current location of item: Medford, OR
Estimated lead time: Days Immediately
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller

Please request more pictures if needed!


@Soxhlet You got one of these toys already?

What software is the system currently using?

Yes. I’ve had it but only used it for one project!
It’s doesn’t have more than 100 hours on it.

I’m not sure about the software. I believe the operators used the software it came with. It was bought new.

Oh I was tagging a member here who is known for being a complete badass with machinery such as that :slight_smile:

Used for stainless at all?

Got any pictures of the cuts you are getting with this unit?

I might be interested, we are getting a new warehouse soon and I need an in house metal cutting solution…
Cleaner than the plasma we use rn, would love to get a waterjet system.

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Yes! It has done an entire stainless steel container. I can send pictures to you if you’d like. Please give me your cell number or email to send additional pictures.