98ksf Approved Greenhouse Site for sale

Stumbled into an opportunity to buy an existing farm already approved for ~98,000sf of detached greenhouses in the Mid-Atlantic. Farm has 3 greenhouses on site now, ability to build 18 more.

Where’s the info?

Sounds like farmer is retiring, haven’t spoken to him yet, wanted to throw it out there if anyone was looking for something in Maryland.

Can basically put up individual greenhouses as needed from day 1 and start growing.

Haven’t figured out if I want to partner with him and lease out greehouse space to others or partner with a buyer to take the whole thing outright.

Sidebar: MD is currently research with intent to market, $250 application, but no restrictions on sales.


I’d rent a spot

Nice find!

I could be interested . No track and trace with Maryland yet your saying ?

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We have one in Northern California pretty close to being approved 4 1/2 acres green houses. If anybody’s interested on a beautiful 90 acre vineyard