90 day count down: Oklahoma welcomes METRC

Except for the fact that your 10 acres turned in to concentrate probably supplies the Oklahoma markets concentrate demand for a year. I’m not real confident folks in ok understand how metric will effect their market. What happens when the guys trying to sell that extract can’t back door it to the Midwest?

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She’s got you.

Distrus team is offering free Metrc questions and consults.
They are giving metrc consults here at xtractor depot today.
Ghost seed question.


Yeah idk but as a consumer I would much rather know the difference between synthetic products and natural products

I think if I bought some meat and they didn’t label it as lab grown meat I’d be pretty upset

I do understand how synthetic doesn’t mean bad I use synthetic oil for all my vehicles but I don’t really wanna consume synthetic stuff if I have a choice

Seems like without a label there’s no choice

i think you underestimate the demand a high quality product brings, ask wade if they are having a hard time selling?

The state has a population of about 4 million. If 25% of them use cannabis, you have a million consumers statewide. What, 10-20% of them using extracts that don’t involve edibles or a cart?

There’s always a market for high end products. I question how much the Oklahoma market is actually consuming vs what’s being exported.


You also need to take into account the home grow laws in Oklahoma encourage households to get as many cards as possible to maximize plant count.

I would bet a quarter of the card holders are just holding a card to increase the plant count at their address.

This leaves a very shallow pool of customers to survive on, so the incentive to find alternative revenue is going to be the only option for some.

Metrc will hit the retailers the hardest, it’s basically a RFID tax stamp to insure the state gets it’s cut. Those cash purchases have a tangible tracking now and your going to have to get creative to get around that.

That’s why they wanted to move to prepackaged flowers, they saw a weakness in their taxation scheme.

Youre not wrong but I dont blame BM sellers, the governments shitty handling of everything was always going to lead this.

Honestly, most users on this board are delusional about the real value of THC because were so used to decades of fucked up BM prices. The fact is if the plant were fully legalized, the entire industry would go belly up over as people would all grow at home. Only really high end exotics and concentrates would have a place to sell and even then…

And before you hit me with the “people dont brew their own alchohol”, well, its not the same. You do not need to process weed at all, theres no brewing no nothing just throw some seeds out in your backyard and boom 4 months later youve got a pound of mids.

If you could grow beer ready to drink off the tree, Budweiser would be in real big trouble…

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Most people won’t bother to grow lol.

I also think this is wrong, budweiser is the biggest beer.

I do agree the real value of thc would be almost nil though in a fully legal scenario though.


Out of country even

Yes, but Oklahoma’s regulation issues have only improved quality in TX.

I get why you are upset, but its not bad all around

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It all depends on how desperate people are willing to sell legit genetics for.

$100 a clone it’s all over for the little guy

It’s just bad for my state in particular…

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I think you are overestimating the amount of folks who grow at home. Lots of people try it once and realize its a lot of work. Like brewing beer at home.


Your correct about that aspect of home grow, most will try and not succeed and you can buy flower for cheaper than growing a plant at home with bottles.

I used those numbers using the sample size of people I know with cards. It’s alot more complex than just plant counts as to why one would want multiple cards in one household. Your increasing how much product you can have in your house and in your vehicle.

It’s safe to assume, for whatever reason, to assume that at least one quarter of card holders are not actively purchasing anything from the medical market.

Oh shit!!! Today’s the Day!!!

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Title seems misleading. Metrc may be in OK, but it is far from welcomed.

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I’m sure it was welcomed by just about every single grower and extractor not in Oklahoma🤣


I have to disagree totally- people pay 10 bux for a mcdonalds meal They dont grow their own hamburgers. The industry is currently like this- Thumper walks into a dispensary - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doUYH3Uria4


I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger to spray…

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