85%+ CBD Distillate that is not re-crystallizing??

Im just making bho with quality hemp, seems like I cant be the first. I had crystalls crash out from multiple runs of 2 different strains. I think I may be forcing super saturation during recovery by using nitrogen to add pressure for pour out and then by slowly warming before vac Im giving time for crash out. If I had a decent brownie pan diamond SOP I’d know if I could improve it somehow.


Using bleaching clays before distillation will create isomerization to a whole bunch of other cannabnoids diluting your end CBD content. That’s why when I’m hearing guys on the EHO color remediation thread using clays… I’m like have fun fellas! Blind leading the blind keeps me in consulting business lol

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Not true. If you filter poorly it’s gonna fuck you up. Had several labs using clays and such in the filter process going through 5-10 micron filters and STILL isomerizing in short path when stuff they didn’t use clays in did not. Could be a fluke but multiple labs having the same issue… idk

Well, I’ve not had any problems when I was doing my R&D. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the clay I was using was not acidic.

Ya there’s a wide range of clays, wide range of types of filtration, so anyone I talk to I urge to seriously stay away from clays. It’s way more of an issue with THC though. CBD could be much more forgiving

I suppose anyone that doesn’t have a somewhat broad knowledge base in the way of filter medias shouldn’t be trying it out on potentially expensive product, haha.

I think the different types of clay are amazing, they can obviously do incredible things when used properly.

Oh absolutely. Gotta remember 85% of the people getting into this game are either clueless, coming from BHO (who just started using filter media’s with this whole CRC tech), or are just scientists with no true manufacturing experience.

So things we take for granted are things that they are paying to be told instead of banging their heads against a wall for years like we did through trial and error and what not :ok_hand:


Well glad I didn’t hire you as a consultant. I use B80 and T5 every time and get 74% yields on my hemp distillate when I go to isolate. Maybe you’re letting fines get through your filter and ending up in your boiling flask?

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So like mentioned above. There’s a large variety of clays and filter apparatuses. I just come in and fix problems. No need to be hostile. It’s more so applicable to thc as it really wants to isomerize to D8. But it also applies to CBD in certain occasions as well

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Do you use b80 and t5 together?

I was comparing T5 and B80 and found B80 to accomplish pretty much everything T5 was accomplishing at a fraction of the cost. There is a downside though, which is B80 is a bit slower than T5. Like almost half as fast. Combining T5 and B80 in a stack did nothing extra for me.

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The particle size of clays can make it through 5 micron filters. Try a 0.2 micron filter and see if that problem still occurs. Never did with me.

Sorry, that was uncalled for. I’ve just been seeing a lot of “consultants” around here throwing out red herrings to seemingly intentionally mislead. I don’t think you meant to be misleading now that I re-read your post. My bad.


Much love big guy


NANOTECH aka nano emulsifacation. Not only does it create a “water soluble” product…but it also makes it more bioavailable. Folks can change viscosity as well. Ive doused cbd isolate w/ 50% cannabis terps…it stays liquid…but 30% will eventually recrystallize. Only issue w/ using that many terps is the insane cost. If your using wack fake terps, *fake as in NOT 100% cdt it will taste like a chemical bath in your mouth. Even lots of cdt will taste bad. Like thc disty w/ 50% terps will taste like crapola. Its a fine line imho. 8-12% for thc. And ea chemovar is different. Some have more drops. Some need just 2 drops per g…some need 4. Idk i like cannabis terps…but still missing something. Doesnt quite quench the thirst w/ hotdog water. :slightly_smiling_face:

It sounds like that would be CbdA,

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