70/30 or n-tane?

What pressure do you see with your “blend” of iso and n tane

Only 10-15 psi more. Nothing to tip the charts


Do you buy it premixed? Is it a lighter colour the the n would produce

I mix it in myself, I still 20 lbs whenever I fill my tank. Only a wee bit for pour off because my collection is wrong. And Yea it helped with color, not so much an issue anymore, but I still use it because its recovery rate is awesome


What ratio do you mix them?

80/20 ish~

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I lose more butane because it’s left behind for a pour and that’s really the only reason I have it in there. If I had a different collection. I have a giant jacketed 12", fat whore, with a squirt spout. And towards the end when it starts to cool too much. It causes a cold spot in the center of the bowl and the water doesn’t stay uniformed. It just flows the warm water around the edges and the center cools down too much. If I didn’t have that evil witch nipple on the bottom of the damn thing it wouldn’t be as bad, but I still want a completely different size


I make shatter for a living. I get shatter every time. No nucleation. There is more to it than your gas, but gas is key. You need a butane heavy mix. We do 50ntane/25propane/25isobutane.

If that’s not available 70/30 will work. Iso just improves color and terps.

If you need shatter help, hit me up.


I just finally used this blend. Very nice :ok_hand: thank you for the info

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So I ran the same material with 4 different gas blends. All of the runs were using the same equipment. (The open blast is the only one not) The material was some dank fire og outdoor trim. The goal for me is shatter.

#1 open blast. Oddly the best. Very nice bright yellow/gold color. Glass stable and taste like the nug. Yeild was about 40g per # This is where my bar was set.

#2 70/30 n-tane/propane.

  • Max psi seen 50-65 psi
    This was my least favorite. Was sap. Terps were heavy. Looked like dark poop soup but the smell was there. Only 1 dab was taken of this before it was put in the crude jar. I got this not knowing anything. (1st cls run) unknown weight

#3 n-butane.

  • Max psi seen 25, usually around 20psi
    This was my third favorite. N made shatter. Very stable. The color was not the best. More of an Amber when held in light. Brown when sitting on the table. This solvent made shatter with every other trim ran through it. Although none of it was the color I like. Purging n-tane is interesting. I seem to get a crater texture. Never smooth unless I bump up temps.
    Yeild was about 42-45 per #. With that being said I would rather have less weight and better color.

#4 40/40/20 n-butane/isobutane/propane.

  • Max psi seen 25 psi
    This is my 2nd favorite and arguably my 1st.
    The color is very nice. Not as yellow as #1 but very gold and the clarity is very nice. The taste is almost non existent. Not a bad thing but not a good one either. This is the only blend I have used in the cls that has been able to give me a color that was the closest to the best that I know the material could have been. Which was oddly open blasting with whip it premium and special blue.

I will be testing a 70/30 isobutane propane blend soon and will update the list.
I will be using the 40/40/20 for now on until I find something better


I perfer straight iso.
Anouther i like is 70/30 iso

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70/30 has always worked best for me


If you use puretane and whipit 420premium together you get a good shatter.

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