50L ai roto for sale! Super cheap SOLD 12/8/2020

Item: ai 50L roto

Location: McMinnville Oregon

Price: $3500-$5k.

Long story short we got two, only need one, who wants her? Fully functional & ready to be put to work. Parts are disassembled & can be ready to ship ASAP or if you’re local I’ll drop it off.

Will be wiped down & sanitized before leaving facility.

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Shipped or drop off?

Without shipping

$3500 is a :fire: deal

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Where y’all located? Dm me, no one is for sure locked in so first to dibs it & process will be on it.

First person to dibs either call or text me


First person to prank call I will find you & have lunch with you :joy: (just kidding unless local )