500lb Recovery Tank

Item Model/Manufacturer: Subzero
Description: 500 lb Stainless Steal Jacketed Recovery Tank
Price/MSRP: $24,000 was my cost to have this made and I’m open to offers
Current location of item: Grants Pass, OR
Estimated lead time: 10 days due to size and if it’s being shipped or picked up
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: Open to figuring out shipping and always available for pick up. No warranty.

I’ll be sharing pictures shortly. This item includes a 6-inch domed lid with two sight glasses, two dip tubes, a blow-off valve, and an extra head port. The jacketed portion features inlet and outlet ports at the top and bottom. It was previously used for a 70/30 mix and has proven to be highly effective as a larger-scale recovery tank.