4SALE Bhogarts 120lbs closed loop

Item Model/Manufacturer: Bhogarts
Description: 8 jacketed 8x48 columns, 1 120 lbs solvent tank “, 1 220 lbs solvent tank, 5 hp ice tech chiller, 1 48” horizontal Bhogarts purge tank, 1 24” Bhogarts purge tank, 220 lbs honey pot, mvp pump, 5 n300 nitrogen bottles, 12 jacketed 4x48 columns, extra honey pot, includes everything with vacuum ovens and accessories ready to start. Everything flawless condition comes with everything to start turn key. Many more things to list but to much. Cryo valves ect….
Price/MSRP: $
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Estimated lead time: Days
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller
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