4” Pope owners

We’ve recently developed a stainless alternative to the glass column on our 4” Pope. The result is deeper vacuum and a virtually indestructible column, which has enabled us to develop a single-pass SOP for CBD distillation on this machine. I’m now thinking that we can share this development with anyone who runs a similar machine. If you’ve got one of these wipers, and you’re interested in upgrading the column, DM me. Pics available on request.

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I’d like to put in a request for pics please…


Why pics on request… just put em up

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Are you able to make a 2" version?

I detect a request!


Haven’t tried yet, but only because I don’t have a 2” to work with.

Fuck Yeah man!!! Good on ya! That shit looks freaking awesome, you guys should put together an upgrade kit that you can sell whole. It would be pretty bitching to just be able to order the kit, and throw it together yourself at your lab (or wherever)

Here’s a video of it in action . We kept the factory internal condenser.

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