3P Certz website is live!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we just wanted to share the good news that our website is live! As some of you know, we offer equipment, installation and facility certifications across the country.

We also offer full mechanical design services from full buildouts to minor facility upgrades.

Please check us out at www.3PCertz.com

Thanks everyone!


Heya, can you provide IQ, OQ, and PQ, for already operational extraction equipment?

@Estokha, it might be best to chat over the phone so that we understand what you are specifically looking for from the IQ, OQ and PQ to see if we can help you out. You can give us a call at 360-217-8446, otherwise shoot us a DM with your number and an ideal time to talk and we can give you a call!


USHA-Guidance-Plan_Version-2.0-Draft-for-Public-Comment-20190725-1 (002).pdf (1.5 MB)

Section 3.9