3D Printer For Extraction/Distillation Parts

So my business partner just informed me that he is going to be purchasing a 3D printer that can print a 500mm (20 inch) cube. That got my imagination firing for all kinds of potential uses, a few of which was creating a fiberglass boiling flask cover, RBF stands, and maybe a custom fit bowl for the receiving flask on a cold trap to fill with dry ice. Does anyone else have ideas/experience for parts that could be either printed or cast in a printed mould?

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What types of material will you be able to print?

This is the model he’s going to be picking up.

It looks like we’re going to start with PLA filament, but it claims it can also do ABS, PLA, TPU, carbon fiber, copper, and wood. Even if we just use PLA though, I was thinking I would be able to either wrap it in fiberglass, create a mould, or use it to create a ceramic mould to create things using more task appropriate materials.

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I would love to have a 3D printer 3M is releasing Teflon printing technology


:exploding_head: The possibilities…


…are endless!!

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3D print the cannabinoids


Already talked to 3M about a week ago…

3M is no longer launching any 3D Printer PTFE filament products intended for direct sales to consumers. Figured out they’re true capitalization potential lies in selling the service of printing custom PTFE parts based on clients design. Not selling us the technology…

“teach a man to fish, you’re out of a job” blah blah blah…

I was dissapointed to say the least


Is that what’s wrong with my business model?!?

I figured this was Good Life Gang; teach everyone how to fish, and there will be great sushi wherever you go…


Well, they proved the concept at the very least. Which is a huge hurdle for development of the tech in and of itself. Now someone else can put the pieces together and make a ton of money selling the printers.

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