SOLD 04/04/2023
Item Model/Manufacturer: MASTER VAPOR 150XL recovery pumps x2 $35,000 for Both!!!
Description: certified gas recovery pump designed to operate at 150 PSI. This pump is designed specifically for LP-Gas vapor recovery and is ideal for butane or butane / propane mixtures
Price/MSRP: Serious Offers only. (retail for $19,995US)
Current location of item: Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Estimated lead time: available immediately
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: less than 10 hours use. excellent, new condition
Engineering Specifications:
Recover LP-Gas vapor at OVER 18 CFM (cubic feet per minute)
Recover butane at up to 4.5 LB/MIN (pounds per minute)
Recover and re-condense butane between 35-50 GPH (gallons per hour)
Electric motor: explosion proof for C1D1 hazardous areas; rated Class I Gr C & D, Class II Gr F&G Electric motor: 5 HP, 3600 RPM, 60 HZ
Pump speed: 174 CPM (cycles per minute) at 60 HZ
Size: 17.0” x 22.8” base x 46.4” tall
Weight: 360.5 lb (163 kg)