2024 vape industry forecast

Gregory Conley, director of legislative and external affairs for the American Vapor Manufacturers Association, predicted in late 2022 that FDA policy on e-cigarette products would continue to be characterized by regulatory paralysis and seek to be politically controversial Minimal regulatory options, the industry won’t hear many PMTA rulings until 2024 or later. He is right on both counts.

Looking ahead to 2024, Conley told Vapor Voice that the e-cigarette industry should see turmoil, especially in the United States. He predicts that the biggest obstacle remains the FDA’s CTP.

What is your view on the industry? Let’s talk about it.

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Did anyone even get to sign up for that shit? They wasted like a year of my life and thousands of dollars


If you mean the

the ones that were granted were pretty abysmal from what I remember compared to the multitude that applied. Feel like there were under 30 that were accepted & they’re split between RJ/Altria/etc. & Japanese Tobacco International.

At least in the nicotine space.


I follow the dry herb vape industry closely, and over the course of the past few years companies have been trying to distance themselves from the “vape” word.

New Vape rebranded to Cannabis Hardware. Others started using the term Thermal Extraction Device instead of dry herb vaporizer.

Many fear ending up as collatoral damage from legislation deisgned to target Ecigs.


What about it?

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I want to know, too.

Know what about dry herb vapes? You posted nothing of substance. Literally.

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dry herb vape


dry herb vase


day herb vase

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