2023 Farm Bill, predictions & insights

I think this is really a lost point here in people talking about the industry being “stifled”. What is the realistic CBD demand in the US? Even if it were universally allowed in food, beverage, and supplements, would people really consume all that much more of it? The amount of hemp grown in the early days was way too much. That level was never sustainable. I don’t think there’s any law anyone can pass that will make that much production make sense…


When I was in the CBD space we crunched the numbers and figured a handful of farms could supply the world.


RAD :joy::joy::joy:. Still think price will double in coming 6 months

All intoxicating cannaboids placed under the medical recreational programs when farmbill gets imploded. The farmbill has negatively impacted expected tax revenue for the feds. Expect this to be

Glasshouse lawsuit putting pressure on alleged backdooring of the industry

Oklahoma people getting locked up left and right for their nonsense

@Roguelab i agree prices have 1 way to go

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Yep. Obvious to anyone with basic math.



No offense but im probably just going to listen to the members of the house sub committee and current and proposed legislation not some nobody who made a 20 second click bait on youtube with no source info :man_shrugging:


Wanna bet a buck?
download (71)

My guess is 1.6 billion in sales isnt enough to make congress say you know what, pysyhoactive cbd is such a big growing business, we cant stop it in its tracks. They will tell it to get in line with med, rec and everything else.

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Florida just went on a huge raid slaying everything with cartoons, packaging attractive to children, absurdly high dose and suspected fake products and is now testing everything they took.

I hope this sheds some light on what is going on with “this market” once the findings are published. That could be the end of the florida hemp boys.


Florida has been testing since the start, I got a handful of results back from a foia like 2 years ago


Either the powers at be

A. Want as many people to get high as possible leading further to societal decline , this would be the status quo.

B. Want to maxinize tax revenue. This would be under my theory of them taking psychoactive cbd off the farm bill, place it under med and rec and 280 e on top of all the other taxes they can think up.


Still not sure how/why the federal government could/would place the controls of federally legal substances in the hands of federally illegal state agencies instead of thier already fed approved hemp programs :thinking:

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Go ask the subcommittees were just internet people lmao :rofl:

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To place the psychoactive hemp industry under 280 e taxation. They would make it federally illegal, as i dint think they meant psychoactive hemp to be legal


Was that really funny to you? Most definitely just an internet person :man_facepalming::clown_face:

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Wanna know whats funny? This random internet person one of your 90%+ d8 liters from wade and fed it to a GC to find it was hot and less than 80%

Edit: paid $500 above market based on how you present yourself as the best. Well i guess i am just an idiot internet person lmao


Gonna have to get a whole bunch of cannabinoids put on the scheduled I or II list for that to work lol

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For 280e taxes, we will carve em up real nice
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