2019 Best Wiped Film Manufactures, why, & should you Upgrade them, vac, etc.

Who’s the best overall at providing a wiped film package?

Should certain parts or parts of the system be upgraded out of the box?

Substantiated options and specs do help me with the +/-'s. However, if it’s pure opinion, could ya’ll please just denoted them over harder talking points?

Customer Service examples are also welcome on this one.

Thanks in advance!

For small scale, you can’t beat @Lilibel via Beaker and Wrench. Their customer service, ability to retrofit, and consistent delivery is top notch. There’s a reason they are GLG affilates.

For medium scale and larger, @LabSociety @precisionnick @Sidco_Cat and @DeutscheProcess pretty much cover the field afa offering the big names with attached customer service, as well as offering in house options in some cases.


Make sure you get one with a feed pump. Just a feed valve will start annoying you very quickly.


I can get budget peristaltic pumps from longerpump

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