100L jacketed glass reactor, 201D rotary evaporator, centrifuge, spray dryer

Description: 100L jacketed glass reactor, 201D rotary evaporator, centrifuge, spray dryer, with warehouses in the United States, Canada, Spain, India and other countries.
*FAST DELIVERY - Units are in stock now and we can ship within 1-2 business days
*No customs clearance - we’ve already paid for the import duties, so it’s very convenient for you.
The current location of the item: warehouses in the United States, Spain, Canada, etc. are in stock
Estimated delivery time: 1-2 days
Fulfillment: Dropshipped/Direct from Seller
User Support/Warranty: 1 Year
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E-mail: info@gzfanbolun.com

Is there a 50L rotary evaporator?

You seem to be talking about a 50L jacketed glass reactor

It looks very good, can you give me more detailed product information?


Y’all work together or what?


Please leave your email or phone number, so our communication will be more convenient

No, I didn’t know who he was before this

Overseas warehouse inventory has been updated

The Chicago customer’s 50L double-layer glass reactor was shipped!

Shipping! ! !
This batch of 50L jacketed glass reactors will be shipped
If you need, please contact me in time

50L double-layer glass reactor, the 6th shipment in Canada, now in stock
consult me
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50L double-layer glass reactor, the 6th shipment in Canada, now in stock
consult me

Small-capacity rotary evaporator, the 6th shipment in Canada, now in stock
consult me
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