Yall boys on reddit?

I prefer to keep my reddit accounts anonymous.


Man that’s pink to the extreme!


Gotta let the people do the heavy lifting. The business account is there to answer questions and tank flaming.

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If cannabis forums were schools, then the cannabis extracts sub would be remedial summer school. I’ve tried to be a voice of reason on and off there but I find it to be frustrating at best. The “top minds” there tend to be on the peak of Mt. Stupid on the dunning-kruger scale given wook science seems to be the background of the most outspoken people there.


This is my facebook banner right now



That sub is bad for my blood pressure. At least here when you call someone out you get backup from other people. I find on that forum you get a lot of the people who buy their first 2L SPD and all of an sudden their an authority, and most of the crowd supports them because their experience is so low they think someone with their 1st 2L SPD is a God.


Reddit is for weird porn and incels I thought?


Reddit lacks in moderation from my observation and is too diverse to bring meaningful discussion. I much prefer here.


and this place is for weed porn and idels :upside_down_face:

Artwork from science - #97 by Californialab

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag

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@moveweight Too diverse makes for bad moderation, you say :face_with_monocle:

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Too diverse of topics / categories / sub categories . You can get lost all day on Reddit and not keep your focus on Cannabis & Hemp. Here? That’s pretty easy. Reddit with my ADD is a nightmare. Here? I can dig into a focal point. Like I have with bringing what I can legally to Texas.

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@moveweight I thought you were talking about all the 14 year olds in /r/delta8


Reddit in general is just overwhelming

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Reddit bothers me a little when I see the same simple questions over and over and over again, to which adding my thoughts usually comes to no avail.


Reddit used to be one of the few sites that wasn’t controlled by bots. Now it’s one of the most heavily astroturfed and bottled websites. Outside of some of the smaller subreddits I try to stay off of it.

Seems like the clean cart dude finally changed his stance on your company. He still has something against you as he starts off everything about you as “they used to be BM but now is working under a legal process license”.


The cleancarts people accused me of astroturfing. Little did they know I just linked them to future :rofl::joy:

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What is astroturfing?

When you pay people to give you good reviews, and have people upvote your posts.

Which is hilarious because I am legendarily tight fisted with freebies :rofl::joy: I just chose a product that I know would help people farm karma while getting high. There was a power vacuum in reddit, and I filled it


Astroturfing is controlling narrative on a forum for profit. Delete comments that go against the narrative, make fake accounts and post stuff that is pro your stance.

He’s changed his stance yet still every deletes most posts saying anything positive about us. I have no idea how there’s not a single fake stiizy on there… :man_shrugging: