Xact Xtract Subcritical/Ethanol extraction

You want the heat exchanger on the inlet of the “collection vessel”, ideally you would want a needle valve to control the flow over the heat exchanger. A controlled flow over the heat exchanger will give a more consistent flow rate from your condenser which should be able to flow about a liter a minute @850psi.

If you could evaporate the Co2 before the “collection vessel” you might have a chance of keeping the oil in that vessel.

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Almost identical to Cool Clean Tech’s BX400. I have used Xact Xtract, Thar, Waters, extraktLAB, IES and Seprico platforms. Systems designed for Liquid Co2 produces the cleanest extract by far. Thar, Waters, Seprico, extraktLAB and IES can achieve subcritical, but continuously operating at those temps/pressures was not efficient, at all. And still required some winterization before going to distillate, where the Liquid units allowed for immediate short path/wfe work.

For terpenes: With the Cool Clean and Xact Xtract units, we would run around 300 to 400psi for 3.5hrs. (Non Decarbed). Collect the oil and Rotovap it. The distillation will collect the terps for later formulations.

Cannabinoids at 850-1000psi: 700psi seemed to be the most efficient pressure for continuous runs with the Bx400. Achieved 98% cannabinoids extraction. As with all Liquid Co2, it just takes a little longer because you need more co2 flow/distillation than traditional SFE.

Co-Solvent: We tried Limonene, Ethanol and Methanol. Ethanol pulled more, faster. Methanol provided a cleaner extract at the higher pressures (600-1000psi). Limonene, well… We only did that because Heratio Delbert just started with his LHO products so we were interested to see the outcome. (just really flavorful/pungent profiles).