What specific molecules make weed smell "skunky"?

Also thank you very much for posting this article. Not only is it very relevant but I had read it before and couldn’t find it again

Totally, our olfactory receptors are Coupled G Protein Receptors, like a tangled antennae, operating vibrationally instead of lock and key. (2 scent theories) Luca Taurin applies this to create synthetic odorants by matching NMR to replicate flav/frags hard to produce commercially. Same vibrational theory could explain a synergetic skunk produced by multiple molecules of different sorts tickling our receptors making em sing somethin’ dank is in the air


Is that how people levitate objects too :wink:

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Oh, @peasandlovage so you’re on the wavelength :sunglasses:. You mean something like this?

My acoustic machine is being built right now…:hugs:
If this resonates with your vibe then HMU


Yessssss! Still reading about that guy and his “sweet sixteen”. Master mover


Serendipity - literally finally got this working today.


I wonder if that can make some extracts taste like Sulphur or other nasty shit. Maybe there are just some strains whose profile doesn’t concentrate in an appealing way.

In the fall in Oregon, there’s some plant that grows , low to the ground, and when you walk on it or drive over it the skunky smell is everywhere, couldn’t find out what it was and moved from that spot and haven’t seen it since

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