What are some of the biggest mistakes you made as a beginner commercial extractor that you would advise new comers on ?

Need funding, and backup.
Guy lives in Perris CA, but has dealings in Oregon.
said he was moving the equipment, I asked when and where, he told me Oregon, I asked when are we leaving.
Then he threatened my family a week later and Straight up ghosted me

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This douche bag and a family member of mine (guy who funded the equipment build) had a deal to split everything 50/50, I was the operator, teacher, consultant.
but that got all fucked up because the guy would take all profits and use it for his other projects and never pay my family member. And then just straight up stole the shit.

-Always be thinking about scalability
-Input material is huge, in all stages of processing
-Spend the money on glass and extractors
-Don’t rush things or cut corners
-Don’t work for people who put you in unsafe facilities
-80%-90% of people in this industry are spewing complete bullshit - being able to filter thru what’s valuable and what’s not is a huge skill


Always innovate, the market will move faster, better, more efficient, automated etc. You can’t afford to fall behind. Your edge might be the only thing to keep your business afloat while your competitors tank.

Conversely, also know when to pump your innovation brakes to optimize your current setup and make sure you’re making efficient $$ where you’re at.

There’s an ebb an flow to innovating and refining your craft.


SAFETY. SAFETY. SAFETY. I’ve seen far too many labs ignite. This machinery can kill you and others, never doubt it.


Reading is king. You’re already on the right path taking in and heeding all the words that will get thrown your way here. Don’t stop.


Data log

Only way to improve your methods in a manner that is repeatable is by having quantifiable data.


What kind of mask am i looking for i looked before but just wasnt sure what to get

A good portion of the people producing equipment for the industry are dishonest or incompetent. Very few vendors meet their stated capacities. Don’t buy anything before talking to someone who has actually used it in a production environment.



Alcohol first, then add water to avoid cloudiness. I wished someone showed me the mixing formulas on a white board like this lady does to show mixing ratios to a layman.
Ex: 7 parts Etoh, 3 parts water.

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