W1 CRC flow rate

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I chose the 3” CRC because of some comments made in the original thread. Apparently it’s a good medium between getting good resonance time and allowing for good flow. Most people seem to agree that amount of material isn’t as relevant as the amount of time the solutions spend passing through it. That is to say, a 3x12” CRC will be just as effective as a 6x6”, but will require half the media to fill. (These are ballpark numbers not actual, don’t quote me)

I believe my issue was with fats binding to my media. The media became very chunky and hard when removing it.

Today I’ll be doing runs with a “tampon” resting on top of my CRC media. The “tampon” is rolled up filter felt. I’m using this in an effort to catch fats before the solution hits the media.

I also ordered everything I needed for a fat catcher, but it won’t be here for about a week.

In the meantime I’ll post an update as to the efficacy of the rolled up felt.


Update - the “tampon” definitely did the trick for the time being. I just took a good sized strip of the felt and rolled it up so it took up the entire ID of my 3” CRC. Set it directly on top of my W1 in line, same column.
My flow is substantially better. If you are experiencing issues with flow, definitely try to add a pre-filter. It’s literally night and day difference. The same amount of solvent that was taking me 20 minutes or more just took me less than 5 minutes with this pre-filter. I’m also using substantially less nitrogen pressure.


one thing you can do to cut your time even more:

your washing 25# over 4# material right?
lets say you yield 10% just for ease of math

180g is laden in your solute. (dabs in your tane)

your ratio of your solution is nearing 63 to 1
even at a 15% yielding material you are washing 42 to 1

i wash 7 to 1 ratio with perfect results every time and i think you can do less.

fyi i use nothing but a tampon and w1 in my crc over 2 sintered

imagine the time you would save by not washing so much volume over your crc

even with washing after with clean gas

im surprised no one else has brought this up

reduce your solutions concentration before crc
if you dont have a vessel available to do so in, then buy one.
the time saved and costs consumables will likely pay for it in a day lol


I’ve gone over this with him in detail too

You mean recover most of the solvent before pushing through the CRC? I feel the the time saved would be negligible. A 4lb run from filling solvent to pouring is about 35 minutes. If I run two tubes through my run time is about an hour.
I’m also lacking in heating power. I’m expecting about 15-20% faster runs with the increased recovery time once my heating can keep up with the recovery side of things.

Also I’ve found that I can run multiple runs through a single CRC column, quality dependent. I generally do about 50g/lb of material for gold, 65-75g/lb for near clear, 85-100g/lb will get water clear. Most of the people I process for prefer a gold color versus water clear.

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I have been running test runs for a few of the absorbents they sell. With my W1 Runs I’ve been able to get 60lbs of solvent(70/30-B/P) through my 3" crc I got from killa(he fucking is a kick ass human btw) and I have only had to use any nitro once and I only added 10lbs and then backed off. Flow rate is too fast for my personal liking(ended up throttling it back 2/3) because I’m a proponent of having a good amount of resonance time to allow the powder to do its job properly. That being said I was able to recover all of the fuel Within 33 to 46 minutes depending on the amount of soaking. I do notice that it’s sweet spot for flow was around 50-80psi on most material I’ve been working on. I had that one time it was a little too slow so I added a few psi to the crc and it pushed at a good pace. Also my material columns are 6x48 and my crc is a 3"x12". I use the standard 100g per lbs or decrease by around 25-30% on better quality bio.


Can you post a picture of how you put the tampon in over the media? Having trouble picturing it.

Do you guys have it where your media packs into the top of your sintered disc or do you separate it with a filter stack somewhere?

The nitrogen tank I rented arrives tomorrow, still reading on threads on how to properly do a nitrogen push with an active system. I’m hoping the tampon provides enough flow that my Corken can just work.

Do you use DE at the bottom between the sintered disc and the W1?

I’d suggest putting the tampon on top of the sintered disc. You want the sintered piece to be the last line of defense. If you stage your other filters right, the sintered disc stays clean.

I stage from bottom up like this:

.5um disc, 1um tampon, 5um tampon, medium filter paper, then the powders.


I do put two filter stacks before the sintered disc the media sits on top of the medium filter, then to a slow, then to a 5um sintered. I was thinking of using the tampon as a fats catcher before the slurry hits the media, as my media is also clumping.

Is an active CRC without a nitrogen push plausible with sufficient filtration?

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Can’t speak to active, I run passive with n2.

But I do use a piece of tampon on top of my crc stack just like the fats catcher essentially, it seems to perform just fine.

I’m running a tiny 1.5 column, so things are different from your situation though.


No you need n2

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@Slabby thanks.

Nitro tank arrived today, planning on trying the tampon and the tank to increase CRC speed

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Make sure you evacuate all the nitro before you start recovery


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So my game plan.

-900g in the material column

-Usually can get in 12lbs of solvent for a quick soak

-The collection vessel, CRC column, and Mol. Siv. all get put under vacuum before the run

-Material column gets to about 60psi after about 5 minutes (90% propane/10% Butane, -60C)

-Crack valves allowing flow from material column to CRC, a slow drip begins via the sight glass and stops once the CRC column reaches about 35-40psi, material column drops to about 50psi, and the collection vessel hovers around 20psi.

-Set the regulator on the nitrogen tank to 60 psi (suggestions?) and allow nitrogen to push the 12lbs through, at this time I let in about 5-6lbs more solvent.

Before I turn on my pump I’ll have to evacuate the nitrogen, I’m assuming I can accomplish that by plugging in my piab to the quick disconnect port and vacuuming the psi down, then start my heater to collect the solvent.

What issue is there with collecting nitrogen into your solvent tank? My solvent tank has a PRV and a spare quick disconnect port where I could release pressure in my collection tank if needed.

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I have several folks who are using a larger granular type media from media bros and are seeing no pressure increase. It also does not degrade your terpene or cananabinoid profile Here is a link to get a free sample:



I tried it, color come out way darker than my t5/b80 i use.

What do you mean people are seeing no pressure increase? My current media does not increase any pressure.



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I don’t have any but I used 2kg per 30# and it was almost as if I used no media. Went immediately back to my b80