USDA Establishes Domestic Hemp Production Program

You will probably be alright with the THC level, but unless you are getting them close to free, why you would want seeds of a relatively unknown strain testing out at 9.85% CBD that might be hot for THC is a mystery to me… I’ve heard of Watermelon testing over 20% CBD fyi


Do eeeet. I have some ideas… and I can supply bioreactor equipment and teach people how to do some proper Liquid Cultures, psilocybe is a wonderful genus, but we don’t have to limit ourselves; there is an endless continuum of fungi and microbes at our disposal to culture during our stay here on 𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕙.

I need to talk shop with @Killa12345 to design some safe and affordable autoclaves from 55 gallon stainless drums; stove-top pressure cookers max out at like 20L.

Something like this but an actual salable product:


Do they like potato and dextrose?

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You can post comments to the USDA here

We’ve extracted and isolated psilocybin here in Denver


Haha. Since my post New Mexico just changed the regulation to have “three-tenths of one percent” to mean “.30%”. No more fudging all the way to .39. Bastards.

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Whoa. The link at the bottom of that page,, I think, is increeedibly interesting.

Whole-Farm Insurance?

A farm loan? For our hemp farm??

This almost guarantees that our currently-only-THC farm will expand into considerable hemp operations, probably almost solely in order to engage with these government programs.

Just now finding out about this :exploding_head:

Pa goes to the hundredth when they tested crops but that’s as far as I know

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