Upgrading to 1/2" lines, a few quick questions

Nice upgrade, let us know how she runs!

Maybe a prv instead of a plug?


Put a tee on your 1/4 and use that for a ball valve for nitro and the other part of the t for your gauge. Then you can use both your 1/2 ports for recovery.


Good call

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That was my original plan, I’ll see how she flows with the one, but I always have the option of switching a few things and going with 2

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So I suppose I have a question on the old system. How come you couldn’t just have the two 1/4" inlets Receiving the solvent and extract and then straight line hook a molecular sieve to the 1.5 with ball valve underneath, And then run your 1.5" inch outlet through the molecular sieve and into the pump or coil or whatever the game?

Could’ve gotten the ports deleted and enlarged by indofab solutions… But hey now you got spare equipment either sell or do crazy experiments with :octopus::smile:

Take out the 3/4 inch npt bung on the top of the tank, get a 3/4 mnpt to 1/2mnpt hex adapter, then stick a 1/2in full port ball valve on it with mjic tip… tape everything appropriately. You can even add a t in between the hex adapter and valve so you can stick a pressure gauge on it. I have 4 100lb (water weight) tanks outfitted like this. Works fucking awesome lol. Then I use the 1/4 inch liquid valve to dump, and the 1/4 inch vapor size for nitrogen assist.

Did you see an increase in recovery speed using an adapter? I thought vapor takes the path of least resistance and that you’re prone to stalling by going the route of adapters.

I’m talking about the 3/4 Allen plug on the top of the carbon steel tanks. It’s just an open hole into the top of the tank. The 3/4 mnpt to 1/2mnpt hex adapter you put in has the same If not bigger I.d as 1/2 inch mjic hose. So ya it’s a huge difference compared to using the 1/4 in blue vapor port they come with.

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Yea obviously going to full 1/2” from your collection pot to your tank is going to be faster than 1/4…… Not trying to come off rude but I don’t think you read what I posted correctly to begin with lol :man_shrugging:t2:


I’ll try and post a picture on here later so you have a visual representation. I’m going down to my shop later today anyways.

Now I know what you’re talking about.

Yeah I can see how that could work.

I was thinking something entirely different.

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Yeah I’ve been looking into upgrading my ports to ½" I’m gonna get a quote from indofabs tomorrow for some modifications on my collection lid and a tank lid. ^>^

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post up how many minutes you saved when youre done.

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Will do :octopus::green_heart::fist:t2: