Tricks for glass that’s eternally stuck to each other?

Use a wooden spoon, whack the joint and rotate, hit it harder than you think is ok, this is the tried and true method for stuck bong slides, downstream, and illidelph coil condensers


You’ll have to hit it with the torch. The trick is to make the outer part expand more than the inner so it actually requires very brief and fast heating


I got one loose after boiling it. The other one has been stuck forever and seems cemented lol. I have a heat gun, but I’ll try a torch to really shoot the temp up fast

Fill the inside with ice water (or something colder) up to the joint. Heat the outside of the female joint with a heat gun, and twist hard!

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I second the torch, use two of them, hit the outer glass for 5-10 seconds on opposite sides. With heavy gloves on, twist apart


I know I’m only a year or so late but…

It stay away from torches. Even if it doesn’t crack the glass now, it will probably put stresses in it. Same goes for hard rapping ( even with a wooden spoon).

Soak it in coca-cola overnight. This is an old glass blower trick that works more times than not…

If you do end up beating the hell out of it to get it loose, take it to your local glass blower and ask them to throw it in their kiln for an annealing cycle. Done properly, all stresses will be relieved and it will be back to original strength.

Credentials: 23 years as a glassblower


Tricks of the trade tread worthy if you ask me :grin::+1:


Dammn Coca cola has something in it strong enough to make glass come apart? Does that mean it will make your organs come apart to?


Itll clean the blue corrosion off your car battery contacts too. 9/10 dentists agree, most of us are using coke wrong haha


Do you have any suggestions on a good annealing cycle?

I’ve often wondered about using an ultrasonic cleaner every now and then followed by an annealing cycle.

Coke will take paint off of a drive way. Yet people drink it. :thinking:


My most consistent approach is percussive tapping. I just tap it with the hard end of a tool- go slow. Should pop out eventually


Also works great on rust removal on metal.


It can be separated by heating with a heat gun or lighter

This is my first approach. If this doesn’t work, then I try to gently “bend” the connection in various directions


I hope everyone here at least comes away with the lesson “try not to get things stuck in the first place.”

But I learned a ton from the examples above: Wooden spoon whack and/or crack.


HOLY SHIT! We just wacked some welded glass with a wooden spoon and it let loose after two wacks. My mind is BLOWN!

I have just reverified that if a non-glass object is stuck inside a glass joint, the freezer is a strong ally to you…

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That’s like one of the best tricks I’ve got, share it where you can, this power is for the people