To sieve or not?

It’s something about the flow characteristic. There is a thread about this sometime right around this time last year. It should be in the early threads on this site.

Personally I have no clue. I’m guilty of following the leaders on this one.

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So you run through the sieve every pass? Or is it a maintenance thing you do every x amount of lbs run through the system?

Every single damn time set up Inline. Also make sure your beads are kept charged to keep them working


@anon60420198 maybe start here? Jacketed dessicant - #13 by SkyHighLer

how is this done?
see: Molecular sieve beads - #24 by cyclopath

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I think he’s referring to drying them back out. Baking desiccant at 250f or so usually does it.

Yes, that is my interpretation of @Cruzinlabs comment also.

But @anon60420198, not being a current sieve user, might not know that.

so I linked to how to do it…

Is it cheaper to piece together the stuff needed or to just buy a molecular sieve filter dryer already made?
I’m wondering how important the hemispherical end caps are. I’m piecing together something now on bvv and they only have the flat 1/2 fnpt caps.

What size do you need??

Dm sent

Yea that is what I meant dry them out. Sorry I refer to it as charging them and ready for use and uncharged for not ready.

You can build them yes,… But the hemi caps (makes sure you don’t have poolingor gas sticking,and that all the gas makes it through evenly)alone cost me $150 for both,jics, adapters for them, clamps, PTFE gaskets, lil piece coffee filter at each end for extra help too…
And you have to pressure test for safety and efficiency of running if your building yourself, add that into the cost and…

…Personally ,@Killa12345 badass dude, I think he has some ready to roll… Best way to go, save some money and make your stuff right…

Thats what i run and ny gas is as dry as the sahara

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Hemi lid is very important it creates a vortex so tour gas doesnt find the path of keast resistance and it “recycles” its self theu the beads to ensure all vapor touches the beads.


Idk about using silicone, PTFE envelope , PTFE only for me, maybe viton up top

It’s almost like those cheap sight glasses bestvaluevacs makes, why the f*** are they even offered on an extractor


No! No! No!

Do not use silicone with hydrocarbons.
Unless you’re looking to make up for the lack of a PRV.

Had a major manufacturer ship a rig with a couple of silicone gaskets in it. Pulled parts of them out of the filter after the first solvent run through.

Explained the leaks that hadn’t shown up with 200psi nitrogen…

Silicone gets a D with Butane.
(D =Severe effect; not recommended)

Even terps will eat it!


thank you i had no idea in that case can anyone make me three 5 micron 2500 mesh 1.5" triclamp gaskets out of ptfe?

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Put coffee filter at each end

rather use the silicone cause i get great results so far using the 5 micron gasket , until there’s a5 micron ptfe gasket i ain’t messing up my flow with coffee filters. been there too long with the closed column.

We are talking about sieve here right? Not material?

Sieve is gas only, ur heating ur collection and turning the liquid to gas. Then send the GAS through the sieve

I say put one or 2 coffee filters at each side (unbleach) bc the sieve is clay beads, they have dust on them, not only will pointing the flow up help prevent the dust from getting into your gas , but the coffee filters are a last defense.

REMEMBER, you don’t break you sieve column down but to regenerate your beads, so this coffee filter as last step is just to help.

U don’t wanna slow down RECOVER either w 2 - 5um filters, you would bogged down!

I may have posted the wrong one after u asked for a 2500, I was just looking for what u asked not thinking about what was needed

For gas , not liquid, the sieve I’m sure, this is better for RECOVER…w speed …the first one will work I sent but slow u down …I may be wrong but I don’t think so

Injection you need 5um u want sinstered disk or filter plates w 5um paper