Thread about large scale mushroom farming

ooooo vacuum. that’s dope. very nice :eyes:
I wonder how it will work with species that aren’t as durable though. Strains with thinner stems and caps. I wonder if it will rip them apart. very cool either way though.

Speed and jerk settings would be an easy tweak. I feel like anyone running a machine like this would have their own small-cap/thick-stipe isolates specifically for ease of use. Albinos are probably easier for the sensor to get a read on, too.

Engineer the mushroom around the machine, ya know.

I think that makes Enigma ‘artisanal’ lol


Enigma came to my attention when the Psilocybin Service Center rules were being discussed in working groups.

I was like “wow, fill all the tubs” until I realized it’s uniqueness is deceiving and it may require more effort than more familiar varieties.

But I’m a sucker for a good filled in canopy. I figured they had more surface area. Butt ugly though.


Oh yeah for sure. harvesting enigma is a pain in the ass.
worth it tho!

Ugly as fuck lol but so pretty at the same time :heart_eyes:

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Using plastic is eco friendly, throwing it away not so.

170* :upside_down_face:


I only see this shit in my nightmares.

To talk about this thread. It’s all about tooling and gameplan.

As long as your grains are hydrated and sterile and not caramelized you got a good chance

Each site will have an optimal technique for fruiting.

Large button mushroom farms have pasteurizable sheet metal rooms. They fill it up with substrate via conveyor belt. Pasteurize the room, cool it off then they seed it with spawn or liquid inoculant.


Stop spying lol


Love everything you’ve been doing in the industry man, you have been one of my favorite follows on my personal account on IG. Would you mind me messaging you to ask you a couple more in depth questions about proper technique?

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Sterilizing substrate will be bottleneck. Gourmet cultivator. Growing oyster varieties, hericium varieties.

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Why do you see this as a bottleneck?

So who’s the defacto in claves? Best I can find is used canning retorts but I was going to pull the trigger on bluemyco but because of the other post… not so much,

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Have you checked out ETS mycology?

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I haven’t heard of them before, I appreciate the link! Best I got is off Midwest those 200Ls I’ve seen them in other commercial cultivation situations like meyers
Edit:seems they only have it for substrate, I’m looking for a grain solution

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When selecting for a good sterilizer, try and find one that injects the steam from the top and shoots out thr excess through the bottom.

The ones that heat the steam from the bottom, start to become less dependable when u scale up your vessel size.

I use a 30gal keg for my boiler and two triple jacketed 30 gal extraction vessels for my sterilizing needs.


I appreciate the info, you have quite some wild ideas that I’ve seen posted that really get me thinking about different ways to tackle some things your a lot handier than I am though you got any direction you could point me into? All I find is straight from china or the same two-3 suppliers sorry for asking for such a spoon but I’ve looked and no luck basically just the blue myco (problematic I hear) Midwest or bubbas aka meyers

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Every vessel we have here that is designed for steam has steam in towards the top and steam out towards the bottom. You do have to be careful about water hammering if the steam condenses to water before exiting but a low point drain on the steam line fixes this easy.


Honestly. Do yourself a favor. Get the largest bubba barrel and do 24 hr cycles at 212f at atmosphere.

So much less headaches when scaling. Fits more than the 150l. Similar price. No caramelization bc no over cook.

I have something larger than a bubba but same concept. Low and slow ftw



Expanding 5# of grain spawn into 200# of substrate. One pressure cooker of grain spawn, 20#, can inoculate 800-1000 pounds of substrate. You have to first get a bulk sterilizer, not cheap but reasonable. You then have to accommodate prepping X amount of substrate, mixing dry substrate. Hydrating substrate. Mixing it more. Then we have to fill the bags by hand or by way of machine to desired poundage. And get those crispy clean gussets folded, unsure on any machines capable of this. Time to fill the sterilizer.

It’s really just a labor all around.

I run a 55 gallon bubba barrel. Twice a month, 400# of sub. Actively working on reducing labor to this part of farming.

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1:40 spawn ratio is insane. Any results?

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