There is such a thing as chemical engineering and as much as you pretend to know what you’re talking about, you’re not much more than a dabbler with a strong streak of egomania
The FFE you’re building?
How long has that been in the works?
There is such a thing as chemical engineering and as much as you pretend to know what you’re talking about, you’re not much more than a dabbler with a strong streak of egomania
The FFE you’re building?
How long has that been in the works?
Says the crack head who stalks people and makes new accounts because everyone hates him and blocks him, trying to get personal because you can’t refuse my observations? Same old Rowan I see. How about you use some data to prove me wrong? Or am I more of a chemical engineer then you?
Wasn’t it your idea to add shell and tubes to the ffe in NV?
Obviously you’re a great chemical engineer building a 20 foot ffe with 6 inch shell and tubes
No, I had no role in their FFE designs- you know better too
Your FFE though… it’s gonna have a heater… really? And it’s gonna run under vacuum?
How novel.
A heater, on an evaporator. Really novel