Terpene isolation


You’re absolutely right, once you step outside cannabis, you can target a single terpene for capture, and grab it using the appropriate methodology for that particular molecule/biomass combination. Really should take these blinders off every now and then.

I’ve got a handful of examples of extracts that worked and tasted appropriate in carts as decarbed crude. I think I’ve actually had two EtOH’s and 2 Hydrocarbon extracts that I would put in that category. My decarbed extracts were usually destined for tinctures or edibles, so didn’t start with premium material…therfore color wasn’t appropriate for retail carts. They worked quite well for party favours or patient meds.

The concept that most operations are tossing their terps, then reintroducing using stuff they had to purchase makes my head hurt. I’ve always hated the disposable nature of prefilled carts. Tossing the terps just adds insult to injury.

Terpene capture via CO2 was the primary reason I decided to look at CO2 again.

which is another conversation :wink: