One is illegal, the other isn’t.
How do you figure that? Dmt manufacting or getting paid to consult for the manufacting process definitely isn’t legal. ( drug manufacturing/ and conspiracy to manufacture drugs, and probably a whole bunch of other laws) …and selling weed most certainly is legal in most states…???
Dude had wall paper in his kitchen… 20 to one odds he lives in his mother’s house… wouldnt take his advise if he paid me to … and I know how to read I do just fine on my own
Wow. We judging people by their wall coverings now? This forum has gone to shit.
One of em is one ur friends I think
They have their own consulting businesses. If they ever agree to go global w it then that’s fine but first and foremost I don’t wanna take any their direct business by someone thinking they only help me bc they have their own successful consulting gigs
The ppl that use them know who they are
Think of the other projects as contracting I guess
And yeah I should take the bark teks down ur right(which I only put up by other members suggestions)
I live by myself in my own paid for home and land thank u I have members here that know that as proof
And members here that’s actually been to my home
And bc I haven’t changed the wall paper wow the old lady liked it…happy wife happy life
My bet is u still live w ur mom by that comment and most likely without a women
And fuck it’s sad u remember I have wall paper in my kitchen from a post 2 years ago…LMAO…couch warrior!! I have better things to do then remember what y’all’s walls look like
And isn’t marijuana illegal to the feds?
And hallucinogenics are slowly becoming more and more popular w the medical field they have real medical value if u only knew all the ppl I know that’s come off some crazy pill everyday just by hallucinogenics once a month…
Ain’t it though…I miss the days of of the real ppl here that was glad to help w anything
And so many consults I just give the answer to for free bc it’s such small consult I’d rather just help
I just did yesterday actually…and last week. No need to charge if they know it all already and just have question or two …if they need their hand held it’s another story
Yeah so true. Sometimes I wear my socks twice in a row. Wonder if I’ll be judged now?
I wear my boxers inside out to save on my water bill. Do I get judged?
Did one just get back rom Georgia?
Lol I don’t care about ur wall paper bro that part was just a joke. And agree with u on psychedelics… just saying ur gonna get a conspiracy to manufacture drugs charge if you keep publicly advertising drug ( DMT ) manufacturing classes. also don’t get how/why the regs on this site act like a narc when someone post something here about thc flower but ur drug manufacturing classes post is somehow treated as legal?
it’s a liability thing
The knowledge of how to make DMT is not illegal. Neither is talking about it. Manufacturing DMT is the action that is illegal.
The knowledge and discussion of how to manufacture cannabis extracts, not illegal.
Manufacturing and selling cannabis extracts, highly regulated and illegal unless performed in specific licensed settings.
That’s why Cannabis Alchemy has been legally in publication since 1974, when manufacturing cannabis extracts was 100% illegal in the US
Anyone that downloaded the anarchist’s cookbook at 12 years old should know that shit. I don’t know why someone is getting butthurt about it.
And before anyone says it, conspiracy charges require proof they were going to undergo in whatever was discussed - not the raw knowledge itself in a theoretical capacity.
If ‘dangerous knowledge’ was outlawed the windchime tek guy would have been shot and a bill for the bullet sent to his family.
5 posts were split to a new topic: How to clean fentanyl from your cocaine
Fucking totally agreed. That would be some motherfucking useful knowledge.
It’s probably a bad idea though bc u would have a concentration of the crap somewhere in the process
I mean in essence you’re taking out impurities. Google Richard Pryor to see where that gets you…and that’s from a guy who was a big fan of the shit! AND RICHARD PRYOR.
One of my favorite shirts.
And yes that is a non-bootleg shirt officially from the band. Another reason why I fuckin love Matt Pike.
Yea im just thinking that handling the impurities fraction could be deadly