SOLD 3 lb inline extractor, bidirectional SOLD

I just want the cls to break down and add to my Frankenstein cls. My SPD stuff just sits in a box.

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Same for me, pretty much… I have a 500ml spd setup, and don’t really need any of 2L stuff I’ve got. I’m just trying to get things I’ll use versus just shit just sitting there.

Heard that, this has been a shit year for everyone but I’m not in the normal everyone loop. It’s been a shit year for us. More valves more problems. I was fighting bad gas from March to August. Switched to bigger non jacketed tubes and was just sucking liquid gas into the pump, recked the bearings plus contaminated gas and product. Both my cmep pumps are fuct and I hate the trs21’s loud and hot!

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Sorry to hear that homie! I hope things pick up for you…

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The butane floods from the top.
I guess you can’t use the word too fill. Got it captain

Pending sale
I’ll remove when it is gone

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right, except for the part where “Bi-directional” means it can also be flooded from the bottom. meaning it is not “top fill” or “top flood”

if bidirectional is also top fill, it is bottom fill as well.

suggesting OEM doesn’t grok.

same page yet?!?

well…that sort of sounds like more than 80% theoretical capacity.

no, I’ve got no issue with top fill vs top flood. unless you’re talking a bidirectional top flood. in which case we’re back where we started. it doesn’t make sense unless you call it a top flood bottom flood bidirectional…and that’s just fucking stupid. k


:joy::joy::joy::joy: you ok ?

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For all the people asking for pictures lol


Nope. :shushing_face:

Is for flooding from a direction other than top. Or from top. Aka bi-directional.

Better now…




You should rename the thread :joy::joy::joy:

3LB Bi-Directional CLS.

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that might have been a better approach…

Edit: done. should I explore if it has “on column recovery”?

with that second port on top, it looks like it could… as top flood, bottom flood, AND bi-directional :thinking:


What kind of cash offer you thinking

I have the same system the way I use it is I bottom fill and soak for 45mins then close the bottom fill open the valve to release down to the collection pot and open the top fill and flow the butane through the top fill to rinse out the material, the top of the column has 2 valves 1 is top fill the other is a overflow which I don’t use becuase im not sure its purpose when you open that it will even out pressure between the top and bottom at a undesired time.

What about opening it during recovery?

yes I have opened it during recovery to help even out the pressure.

That over flow is so you can be certain you’ve actually filled the column.

Fill till spill…

Spill goes to collection pot.

@Graywolf might be able to point you at the primary source for this.

Check out How to get cold butane completely out of material column? - #34 by Graywolf for how we got here and why y’all should understand who’s shoulders you’re swan diving from.

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To my discredit, it looks like I haven’t written a Generic Operators Manual for a Terpenator for GWL, so I will put it on the list. In the interim, here is a link to ones I posted on IC Mag, as well as one from Wayback archives:

I time how long it takes to overflow the column using a bottom flood, continue flooding from the bottom for that much longer.

I then close the top column vent valve, open the lower dump valve, and then open the top rinse valve which discharges through a showerhead.

I continue rinsing for one volume from the top, and then close the top flood valve. I recover throughout that process.

Two volumes from the bottom and one from the top is average. I actually have a high pressure sight window in the vent line from the top of the column to the recovery tank, and judge the exact time to switch from bottom to top, based on the color of the LPG flowing from the top of the column.


@cyclopath thank you for that information I never knew what that overflow was for as I ordered my system and trained myself like most people on here. When you open the overflow valve it equalizes pressure between the material column and collection. I always thought that the collection base needed vaccum to pull flow into the collection thus for I never wanted to open the over flow valve. usually my material column holds 10lbs of tane and I know its full then I soak for 30-45mins before dumping keeping my material column (jacketed) on dry ice while soak. I then dump and open over flow to help regulate pressure Which is (wrong). I then poor cool water in material jackets then warm water in jackets with collection base @ -10C trying to make the butane chase the cold to collection base.