Sixth Wave Innovations - Affinity™ Technology - The Failed Pump and Dump of 2020

I hate to be the negative nancy, but there are a bunch of stoners who lurk the forms. Even if the regulars shit all over it, there’s still value in getting a bunch of eyes on themselves with buzzwords and marketing speech.

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I dont know enough about patent laws or the legal processes involved in handling a copyeight infringement case to be able to disagree with you but in the US patent laws have to be enforceable to some degree, you need to be able to prove beyond a doubt that your idea was novel.

The way i see it we’re not talking about a dispute over an SPD head design, it wouldnt be hard for them to demonstrate that you’re using their intellectual property.

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It absolutely would be because they didn’t invent crap. The only thing they might have credit to invent was their specific polymer formula. Not to say the hundreds of similar formulas already sold on the market.


Maybe if they design a novel enough device that uses the tech it could be a defensible patent

@Anonymous1234 With only 1hr of read time before posting, did you honestly expect anything besides the feedback in this thread. For once I wish Elliot was a member of your development team, all of us would have learnt so much from a heated defense regarding your tech. For all the R&D $ and time spent pushing your affinity, engage with this community, you might even benefit from reconsidering your approach to the market and the community might benefit as well.


I see Sixth Wave will start listing shares before the product is even ready to go to market.? Was this the plan all along? All hype?


pumping the IPO before dumping would not be uncommon, would it?

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When they first posted, I saw some article in the motley fool about this. It was full of buzz words, right away I knew it was fishy.


Yes, either private finance dried up or they are realizing they need to exit. If the tech is so good why not see it all the way to market and cash in on those sexy royalty deals, they were projecting :man_shrugging:. Guess they want to give us all the opportunity to cash in with them by listing :money_mouth_face: :crazy_face: :no_good_man:


Sixth Wave announce there tech is a replacement for activated carbon :muscle: Wait… how much does AC cost… :thinking:

Sixth Wave Announces Representation Agreement with Sumitomo ... | MENAFN.COM


@Anonymous1234 AMA? ok. Why are trying to rip everyone off?

whats that langmuir isotherm lookin like dawg?
monolayer? multilayer?

I hope sixth wave is paying you good $$$ because we already dragged them way into the dirt on this thread. You look like a shill, and a foolish one at that with those comments.

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I would be very open to learning more. I am just surprised to hear they are saving their clients millions. When it doesn’t seem like they have any revenue for the business?

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have you read this thread? You’re acting like they paid you to go on here and crow about how great 6th wave is. Maybe you are doing this out of the bottom of your heart because their tech is good. So tell us, are they (or anyone else) paying you to write things?

Also, if you want to convince anyone that what they are selling isn’t a $10,000 shovel for gold miners then go and read this thread and answer the big points against them

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IIRC there was someone who had been to their lab commenting. So far all you have done is parrot what sounds like 6th wave PR noise, and not a single refutation of an actual comment in this thread

Like you mentioning their merger in feb, it totally sidesteps the actual point that they are claiming to have saved clients millions but arent reporting any REVENUE. How can you have clients but no revenue. Just leave, you already lost all credibility. Dunno what they teach engineers at Renneslaur but it def didnt include bullshit detection lol



Lol what? You trying to deflect by calling me a shill?
You’re the one who has yet to bring on a single substantive thing to Future4200. Yet, you are so bent on protecting sixth wave, but not by actually addressing a real point.