Seeking Pesticide Remediation in Central/Northern California

Bump, nobody knows anyone doing this?

The only way to win is to not play


What pesticides?

What concentration in the distillate?

What’s your budget?

Answering these 3 questions would be a good start in finding someone to facilitate your needs


War (pesticide) Games!

Thc or hemp.

Breaking Dabs does a lot of chromatography on BHO to distillate, but idk if he takes bio to distillate.

Like synchronized swimming?

Or maybe you meant chromatography…

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It is regulated THC material, so needs to be manifested wherever it goes. Spinosad is the pesticide in question. The material is currently in ground flower form, it needs to be extracted to crude then distilled then probably sent through a column, I’m not sure of this compounds boiling point but I have a feeling you’d getting an azeotrope with THC during the distillation process.

I would suggest performing a small extraction, then sending that in for a full analysis. Spinosad can be removed fairly easily but if there are some others in there then you can do all that work and fail for a different pesticide.

How many lbs.

It’s 25 pounds. I realize this is not a lot but anything we can salvage from this will at least soften the blow.

Not that this is what your looking for b.c. you want some one to do the work for yah but spinosad contamination has been discussed here in several threads. Just gunna leave this simple answer for anyone looking.

If you only have 25lbs I would do it in house that’s a really small amount of biomass for a toll


Is this test from a crude or distillate?

The problem is that our extraction lab is in buildout phase so I can’t do it in house unfortunately

The test results I posted is from ground flower, so there is a shitload in there.

12.5 X the limit. I’d say yes that’s a shit ton once it’s condensed in to disty form

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Did you say the volume of material is an estimated 25 lbs. of flower/ trim combo once dried?

I’m sorry but I couldn’t dirty the line for less than a half day load. 1000 lb minimal to worth the down time cleaning


Totally understandable, I’d require the same lol. It’s a tough situation for sure.

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I can just teach you how to do this. Is very easy.

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Little bit of both I would imagine.