Bump just 12 kg left of our CBC rich full spec distillate. $400/kg. Would do $350/kg for the rest of it
COA: Imperial CBD Extraction- Vail 367 COA.pdf (154.1 KB)
Bump just 12 kg left of our CBC rich full spec distillate. $400/kg. Would do $350/kg for the rest of it
COA: Imperial CBD Extraction- Vail 367 COA.pdf (154.1 KB)
Bump , happy Monday. 7 kg of our CBC rich full spec distillate left in stock. Would do all of it at $350/kg.
Please DM or email lcurrier@icbdextract.com for more information.
Bump, happy Wednesday Just 4 kg left of our Vail 367. Single orders at $400/kg. Would be preferred to sell the rest of it at $350/kg.
Please DM or email lcurrier@icbdextract.com for more info.
All sold out of Vail 367!! We have 155 kg of this great full spec distillate available though
DM or email lcurrier@icbdextract.com for more information on how to get yours!