Rosin press go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Okay I’ll be specific.

Did you squish dried flower?
Did you squish dried flower sifted?

Did you squish dried frozen flower?
Did you squish dried frozen flower sifted?

Did you squish fresh flower?
Did you squish fresh frozen flower?

Did you squish fresh frozen sifted flower? (Dry ice??)

Did you squish fresh frozen ice water hash?
Did you squish dried frozen ice water hash?
Did you squish dry dried ice water hash?
Did you squish fresh dried ice water hash?

Too many squishies… man…



Pretty much

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I have a million questions regarding ice water hash and your profile is private… at one point @cyclopath suggested I contact you but I could not.

He also suggested I contact @SubstituteCreature and I tried that, but he intentionally ignored me.

I there any chance I could directly discuss the questions I have with you?


Check your messages :call_me_hand:

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I’m sorry if you feel that way but I’ve been very busy all week and have put in over 600 miles driving for work. My apologies but I can’t answer every message immediately especially in the depth you went as I don’t want to give you a shitty answer when I have probably 10-20 minutes between the next thing I have to take care of and then drive more on top of family obligations.

If you need a more prompt response I am open for consults as that way I am on your time. Otherwise I’m very sorry but I have obligations to fill to pay the bills.


I don’t want a consultant man your information isn’t as valuable as you think, you got me choked up like @StoneD did when he offered to teach me about ‘all the types/consistencies of BHO’ for a small feel of $1’000… no wait, for a later lower deal of $600.

Dude i want to understand why rosin isn’t the ‘golden trophy’ of extracts and to understand it I must first understand what the fuck people are using so I can determine if what I’m doing is better

I apologize that I’m trying to learn about the plant itself and you’re focusing on using it to pay bills.

Sorry I pretty much have the same answer as what I imagine sub said…you have too many questions to answer w/out some serious thought. And teaching people is how I pay the bills :man_shrugging:


Did it seem like you fuckin` appreciated the advice then???

I didn’t think that would have changed.

We’re not fucking puppets. We love to see people succeed, we love to educate. We are not pushbutton fucking entities though.

Have a great night - I’m going skateboarding.


Nothing was said, he just ignored me.

Thank you for not doing the same thing.

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What advice?

This nonsense? When I later mentioned


Also this gem

You ignored me there and then completely disregarded my questions via dm, you want to attempt to make a profit off me to ‘teach me’ how to make a shotty product just like @StoneD wanted to ‘teach’ me about BHO.

Yikes dude, just yikes…


Just here for the memes & hash :man_shrugging:t3:


6 star straight fire


On the old school or new school scale?


On both


What everyone else reading this thread will think when they read your posts, you sound extremely entitled. Tons of free info on this forum. Peoples time isn’t free….


Nor is mine and I am not concerned with marketing/selling/advertising/learning about ‘straight fuego’ products as some here claim their product is and they know who they are.

NOR AM I concerned with learning how to make the hot garbage most people here are slinging.

I’m not here to sell a product.

So what am I entitled to exactly? the fuck is my motive you pompous twat

asking for spoons on a silver platter


If you care that much to want to know so badly, then read. If you don’t care enough to read for yourself, why should anyone else care to answer your questions on their time for free?


solid rhodium spoons on a 2" diamond sheet that has gold plating (with some designs i don’t know maybe pot leaf cut outs where you can see the diamond beneath the plating, also it’s gem encrusted and thick asf but yeah, it’s a ‘platter’