ReXing THCa in pentane

This is incredible and invaluable information. My understanding of crystallization was decent but this really thoroughly solidified a lot of the science behind it to a whole new understanding.

I started seeing the smaller crystals form at the bottom of the jar, so I heated it to evaporate solvent and lower the ratio. They disappeared. Left it overnight and the smaller crystals are back. And this must be because I just had re-homogenized the solution, and they were bound to crash back to the bottom anyway? Thatā€™s where this gets a little confusing to me. The other variable was I kept looking at the jar yesterday which moved the stones at the bottom around (agitation) so I am guessing this had an effect. Is it possible, the small crystals I am seeing form will actually grow to larger facets, or is it destined to be sugar?

Obviously the goal was for the larger facets already there to create more sites for the THCA to grow on, now Iā€™m wondering, should I evaporate pentane further, or this will only re-homogenize the solution without creating the high concentrated zone


How did you rehomogenize the solution? Did you stir it up or something?

Can you show a new picture of it?

Also, the diamonds that have already formed at the bottom are the high concentration zone. But when you fish out one of the stones, youā€™re potentially breaking off and suspending little shards of it in solution. You donā€™t want any suspended particles if you can help it.

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So I didnā€™t stir it but I feel like the heat caused what I was seeing to dissolve. Here is the best pic I can get of all the tiny crystals that started forming

So all these little specs at the bottom seemed to be there before I evaporated 10% of the pentane. Then it dissolved or so it seemed when I heated and evaporated. Now it seems to be back.


Oswalt ripening is a cycle of forming those tiny crystals, then heating to dissolve them. When next phase crystalization happens you will get more tiny crystals, but also grow your larger stones. Heating will dissolve the tiny ones but not your boulders, so overall they will grow. Wash, rinse, repeat.


Thank you! Like @thesk8nmidget said, I should have looked up Ostwald ripening. Just busy with work while trying to do this and keep up with the thread. Appreciate it man


Ostwald ripening is the phenomena in which smaller particles in solution dissolve and deposit on larger particles in order to reach a more thermodynamically stable state wherein the surface to area ratio is minimized.

Phenomena in nature is daily in the lab


Yeah and since I heated and dissolved those, even though smaller crystals are back and have formed at the bottom again, ive since seen the large stones get larger. Itā€™s working!


I need a stainless dremel attachment so I can shape the perfect 1g stones from these :rofl:

Iā€™d sell that 22gram Boulder as one and just charge double lmao

I believe what theyā€™re saying is if u can get all the Lil shit dissolved then toss ur seeds back in itā€™ll continue growing the larger ones ā€¦might have to add 10% pentane back to keep larger structures growing and not smaller ones

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where do you come up with this 10% number?

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Are you asking me about how I know I evaporated 10%?

No I was wondering where stoned gets adding back 10% of pentane. I dont like to use number unless I know they are exact.

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He said he evaporated 10%. I figured thatā€™s probably one the main reason itā€™s started depositing new small stones?

I know nothing though Iā€™m no body for real

I can grow stones but do I understand everything about it no

But couldnā€™t he raise it back up a Lil dissolve the small shit and seed the jar w his large stoneā€¦otherwise itā€™ll keep making new smaller stones

Basically Iā€™m getting his solution back to where he started at but w everything thatā€™s small dissolved and dropping the big stones as seeding a jar

Iā€™m basically trying to treat the jar as new jar w seeds dropped in

Just after we evaporated 10% the pentane he said then the small shit started formingā€¦can we keep this from happening and have all the thca go to the seeds mainly?

I just spittballing hear


Iā€™m kinda thinking adding a slight bit of pentane perhaps like 3% at a time back and then seeing at what point the tiny crystals stop forming? Thatā€™s IF I decide to add it. However with the larger ones getting larger it seems theyā€™re still getting a lot of the suspended crystals to stick to them? But who knows. And is it certain the small specs (that i posted in the recent picture) wonā€™t grow into somewhat decent size stones as well? I write everything down so Iā€™ll just keep updating this thread as I go :man_shrugging:

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I also think this is worth noting and trying before I add pentane back

Now the question is, do I do this daily, every other day, or weekly?


Your temps are another huge variable


I was under the impression your jar was actually starting to sugar up. Those little crystals are staying put near the bottom and theyā€™re growing, just leave it now its doing what you want it to.

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This is exactly what I was thinking thank you! And also that makes me feel a shit ton better haha

So can I askā€¦ this is what I should have seen relatively quickly when I first started the ReXing? And thatā€™s how I would know the concentration zone is working? Which means I believe I have found some great data through this project in terms of ratios for growth size and speed!

In terms of heating to boil off pentane and dissolve sugar, or in terms of while itā€™s sitting to promote crystal growthā€¦ or both?