Rapid crystallization during solvent recovery

So I’m posting to ask if this is happening to any other extractors. We have been running an ETS for almost a couple years now and we’ve never had this issue before. When we are recovering our gas from the honey pot we noticed there were crystals forming on the side walls. We thought we were over vacuuming the extract and caused it to sugar out. The strange part is our poor spout became clogged and we noticed a giant puck that formed within a single run. This has now happened on multiple runs with different strains and on different days and also after breaking down and cleaning the system. The product that comes out almost seemed like it was fuzzy and resembled the medusa stones or moldy diamonds that the community has been posting pictures of. I’m not sure how we keep ending up with this but figured I should ask others for their insight. If you notice in the pictures that I’ve posted we get very cloudy thick product besides the massive puck that also forms. Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks.


Welcome to The Medusa Stone

Its apparently? Hellish.

Search around for more info


Done a decent amount of research but it seems no one has a solution :man_shrugging:t2:


There are some mitigation techniques that seem to be somewhat effective. Cleaning the gas with a 13x mol sieve seems to help


I don’t have solution either, and I’ve not even seen these chalk diamonds myself

There seem to be a few key features though

  • THCA does not dissolve in butane at the temperatures you might expect, and drops out of solution far more easily

  • Diamonds which rapidly chalk and become brittle after a short time

There are a few prevailing theories

  • Benzene contamination
  • Propylene contamination (@Dred_pirate puts forward that 13x sieve, which is used in research papers to remove proplyene, avoided the recurrence of chalk diamonds)
  • H2O2 contamination/the effects of treating biomass with peroxide
  • Isobutane: I find this suspect, I think we can find a number of people that have isobutane in their mix, or outright use it. Still worth listing.

I do notice it seems to affect people who are growing large monocrystalline structures quickly, but I haven’t found any more links beyond that. You’re the first I’ve seen have it happen in the collection vessel.


There is a solution.
13x beads run the solvent over them as a liquid then recover through fresh 13x
Change 13x beads a lot. I do it daily. It helps a ton and keeps it manageable. Other than that don’t drop the heat so early.
I’ll dm you my pay pal and make sure @Dred_pirate gets his cut :joy:


Do you throw out your 13x, or regenerate it?

1x regeneration. I never knew this but according to the company they lose 20% capacity each time they are baked.


That delta adsorbents? I’ll pass that along to my boss.

That’s great information. I’m incredibly glad to hear you’ve found a way to mitigate your problems with the chalk diamonds. The rest of the community has ya’ll to thank for even making us aware this fuckery happens.

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May I beg the question on who you’re being supplied by
(If they see this they’re gonna contact you)
(Gas / Liquids) location.

Now May be a time to text or call 844-OIL-GUYS if you want setup for success.


Can you share why you think they can help set our friend up for success?


We don’t have failures. Especially on the topic of supply


There are a few competing theories here. Why are you so sure it’s the solvent? We all get this shit from the same place, prove you’re different. To be clear, I know folks making diamonds with canned gas, so I’m not sure it’s a question of purity unless there’s some weirdly sporadic lots of contaminated gas out there.

I thought you worked for willy billy, now you’re slanging butane with infomercial worthy quotes?


We work together, he’s the true to his hype talent in a Laboratory. That doesn’t mean, we can’t help solve in bulk. Anyone else’s shared problems.

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:rofl: where were you in 2015? Honestly I hope better than now. That’s when glass tubes took over my life

Lol you’re drunk


Honestly, nope. Just bored and supportive. It’s amazing to see every day man. Nothing but continued growth and movement. Have your view. I know damn well you’re a good dude too.

Supportive, but not willing to explain how or why you’re different. Hell, would you be willing to sign a contract with any of the guys in the chalk diamond thread, and solve their issues or pay them for wasting their time? That’d be an awesome way to prove yourself…

I swear to god, if you start posting pictures of dirty coffee cups :joy: