R134a as a solvent

It also says that it needs ethanol to pick up more so the cannabinoids than the terpenes. Which to me, honestly, would just make me think to go to a iso-butane/propane blend or a more propane heavy blend in a standard cls fitted for the pressure of propane; rather than use r-134a


the biggest question is can you directly crystallize in r134a? because the answer is still yes for hydrocarbons.


The very low solubility in 134a should be helpful there.

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And if you crush those diamonds with an unheated press you get isolate powder :smirk:

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can do pure isolate powder without any of this primitive crushing

How do you make thca isolate powder?

in stainless.


A miner? Howwwww!!! I really like isloate I wanna make more in bulk!!! Dipping shatter into isolate is the best thing on the planet

That’s not a real article, it’s an ad. That was paid for and probably also written by PURE5. Paid blog posts with a nifty little link to the seller hidden a few paragraphs in are the new ads.


The owner literly said future4200 was for crackheads when i mentioned it saying i couldnt find any information . Not once did he send me any research or anything else, was basicly a dickhead and just said how dumb future4200 was

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don’t go there, the crackheads keep saying my snake oil is snake oil


Reminds me of the thread where the guy wanted to use gasoline as a solvent


I use gasoline to extract all the time, you just have to get the high grade stuff like 110 octane you know?

As a safety measures I prefer 110 low lead. You know, for better charge dissipation. Also better compression ratio on my CLS.


Advertorials are exactly that. I worked in marketing and we actually sold them to car dealers to do an article that seemed like a public notice piece that was actually an ad. They’re usually obvious to see since they contain the links like you said.


Can’t find anything in this article about cannabinoid solubility

Not to mention bvv still sells dme in cans.

Yo, peep this - R134a extraction, unconventional but a game-changer at our spot. Crazy efficient – unlocks cannabinoids like a vault for pure extracts. Real selectivity – diverse flavors, major market move. Blessing on temps, keeps terpenes intact, huge diff in the final product.
Budget-wise, R134a’s a savior. Cost-effective, accessible gear – gold for a smaller operation like ours. Linked with PURE5, and it’s fire. Studies back R134a, evolving cannabis techniques. . In a nutshell, R134a exceeded expectations, got us hyped & satisfied.

r134a is terrible for the environment. It’s GWP100 is 1430 compared to butanes 0.006 and propanes 0.02. Not to mention that the US is only going to get tighter on F-Gas regulation. Why re-invent LPG extraction - the tech that is already in widespread use is probably the better bet.


This stinks of AI. If you really did wirte it then its poorly done. I cant beleive the amount of times i read PURE5 and then same sentences saying the same thing.